An Outlook Of Dome-Shaped Multiplex At Infosys Mysore Campus

The Multiplex at Infosys Mysore campus is one of the notable places inside the campus. The specialty of this building is that it is a dome-shaped auditorium with a seating capacity of around 1,500 seats. This Multiplex is used for screening movies during weekends and conduct various events like initiation of new batch of trainees etc. This Multiplex houses 4 screens totally out of which screen-4 is the largest with a capacity of 1040 seats. The other 3 screens capacity is only 140 individually. This Multiplex building is located near the ECC (Employee Care Centre) which is at the heart of the campus.

Both newly released Hollywood and Bollywood movies are screened here during the weekends. The show timings are generally 2pm, 6pm and 9:30pm so totally 3 screenings each day. The tickets for watching movies are only available to Infosys employees at no cost. Facilities card worth of INR 150 is given to all using which they can avail facilities like Multiplex, Rock climbing etc. This INR 150 is deducted automatically from the salary of the employees and trainees at Mysore. Both the trainees and the employees from the development center will watch movies there. One has to wait in long queue to get ticket for movies. Moreover, only one ticket is given to one person. So a very long queue forms.

Also read “Exquisite Clicks Of Infosys Mysore Campus” and “A Glimpse Of Hostel Room Of Infosys Mysore Campus“.

Lets take an outlook of this dome-shaped Multiplex at Infosys Mysore campus:

1. A stunning view of Multiplex from the track field.

Multiplex from Track Field

2. Water flowing from the fountain located near the Multiplex.

Multiplex near Fountain

3. The refection of Multiplex in a building.

Multiplex reflection

4. The entrance of the Multiplex.

Multiplex entrance

5. A view of Multiplex from the Basket ball court.

Multiplex basketball court

Well these are just the teasers of the Multiplex at Infosys. If you are an Infoscion waiting for your call letter, then you will see the main trailer soon when you go there yourself for training.

Also read “Places To Visit Inside The Infosys Mysore Campus” and “Nearby Tourism Places To Explore – Infosys Mysore Campus“.

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By Rob

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