Nearby Tourism Places To Explore – Infosys Mysore Campus

tourist places

If you got placed in Infosys, then it is for sure that you will be getting trained at Infosys Mysore Global Education Center (GEC). So if you are a trainee, you will be spending some six months at Mysore campus. During your training period, you don’t find enough free time for your other activities/hobbies. That is, for some of them, your schedule will be very hectic with those daily assignments. So in order to make your mind free from that tight environment, I’m writing this article in which I’ll share with you some nearby tourist spots where you can spend your weekends if you want.

tourist places

Here in this article I’m going to tell you the top 5 tourist places in Mysore which are as follows:

1. Mysore Palace

After Tajmahal, Mysore Palace is one of the most visited tourist places in India with around more than 6 million visitors annually. It is one of the best historical places that you need to visit in Mysore. Currently, this palace houses two durbar halls (royal court).

Palace of Mysore

2. Brindavan Gardens

This garden is a well planned and built adjoining the Krishnarajasagara dam. It is a normal garden filled with botanical plants and exciting fountains. Boat riding beneath the dam is one best feeling that you need to experience in this garden. Musical fountain attracts more tourist to this garden and it will take place around 7 pm in the evening. So plan your visit accordingly.

Musical Fountain

3. St. Philomena’s Church

It is a catholic church built in honour of St. Philomena by Maharaja Mummadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar. It was constructed using a Neo Gothic Style and inspired by the Cologne Cathedral in Germany.

Philomena church

4. Chamundi Hills

Is is exactly opposite to the Palace of Mysore and its elevation is approximately around 1000 metres. The Pros of going here is that you get to see the breathtaking panoramic view of the Mysore city. During evening, the view of the city looks eyes pleasing and glitters like gold.

Chamundi hills

5. Mysore Zoo

The specialty of this zoo is that you can find a wide range of species. It is one of the most oldest and popular zoos in India. It is to be noted that this zoo houses one White Tiger.

Tiger at Mysore Zoo

Also read “Top 5 Ways To Save Your Money“.

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By Rob

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