Negotiate The Salary You Want With The Briefcase Technique

Briefcase Technique

Unhappy with the salary you are getting? Going for the job interview and asking for salary hike can be dismantle. Apart from what you do these could end up disappointing them. There are so many techniques that you can pursue rather than this. Ramit Sethi, the creator of I Will Teach You To Be Rich website. He has brought out Briefcase Technique, a useful method for successfully negotiating salary.

Briefcase Technique

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What Is It?

The Briefcase Technique is the method in which you prepare yourself for a job interview, client discussion etc. Yes your body language, resume and background check matters. But one should also study in deep about company thoroughly. Prepare few pages about opportunities you have seen in the company like for example if you are going to attend an interview in Google, you can take any one of their products like for example take G maps and analyse that product thoroughly. If you find anything that can be optimized in that product, then take that particular area that need to be optimized in that product and work on that. Make that as a project proposal and place it in your briefcase. When the salary negotiation comes, take that proposal i.e. your work done on G maps out from the briefcase and give it to the interviewer.

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How It’s Done?

Once your boss or the interviewer ask you for the salary expectations, take out the proposal from your briefcase and hand it over to him. He couldn’t help but this could be the captivating gesture that he may find in you. He will give a look into it and be overwhelmed by the amount of effort you put into it.

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Why Does It Work?

You’ll notice that 70% of the work is done.

  • This will eliminate 99% of applicants and the initiative you display will quickly stand out.
  • You’re giving the impression that you are prepared and a critical thinker.
  • With this you have made it easier for company.
  • Your future employer will be more than open-minded to accommodate what’s in that paper.
  • Your interviewer will be overwhelmed with your gesture as he is a busy person so it will helpful to negotiate with the salary.

Go ahead and get ready for your interview with this Briefcase Technique. You have to be confident and always clear with what you want. This will make you successful too. You’ll need to understand the hopes and dreams of the other applicants whereas most applicants walk into an interview and simply “answer questions” or into a salary negotiation and “ask for a raise.

Hope this Technique will work for you too.

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By Rob

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