Google Launches Duo Video Calling App To Take On FaceTime

Google Duo App Icon

Google map, Google photos, Google docs and now “Google Duo”, a video calling app. Google has kept on advancing its software preview. A quest of superior technology never fades between Google and Apple while Apple has always come up with terrific devices, Google boosted itself with better and better software. Now to beat Apple’s FaceTime, Google is launching its new video call app “Duo”.

Google Duo App Icon

Google Duo is the app which is eliminating complexity from video calling apps, now video call is away from just a tap on phone and hesitation of answering the phone is no more an issue as incoming and outgoing video calls are only possible to make when both users are online on Google Duo.

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Google Duo is going to be an opulent software with extraordinary features, some of them are as follows:

  • Simple to use – The app will connect a video in just one touch, user will make a touch on contact and choose a video call option and that’s it the call is going now and within fraction of seconds you will be connected with your friends.
  • Supporting devices – Currently all available devices in market will be supportive of Google Duo app that means Duo will work on every android device as well as iOS. Duo app does not need you to take any new device and go through an expensive experience.
  • Connectivity and reliability – In earlier video calling apps every user has suffered a drop call issues, as those calls were always dependent on Wi-Fi network but now a howling turn is coming with Duo app as duo will automatically switch from Wi-Fi to mobile data at the time of weak network and call will be continued fluently.
  • Human friendly – The mood of users has kept in mind while designing Duo app. There are many times when moods are different or you are not in a favorable atmosphere to answer every call but this problem is solved now. Duo app will let you see the initials of caller’s video before you answer the phone which convey you the message and subject caller is willing to talk on. Now the ball is in your court, it’s completely your choice whether to answer the call or not.
  • Privacy and security – Duo app is keeping all your calls and messages secure as it gives you a cloud storage facility automatically which means all your video calls will be encrypted and you have no more worry about safe calls.

This app will work on a login id basis i.e. the users of this app will have their individual passwords for their app which keeps all your videos and calls reserve and anyone without authentication cannot check on your phone for them. With the help of this app not only your video calls are secured but also users can use their Duo passwords for other Google activities as well and get them encrypted too. This app is not just providing a fast and secure video calls but also providing better picture quality. With the experience of Duo app now we can say Google has attain a good place in apps of video calls and it’s not backward at all.

Click here to install Google Duo App in Android.

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By Rob

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