How Do Adventure Camping And Outdoor Activities Enhance Team Productivity?

Adventure Camping

Camping is a range of activities and challenges for outdoor survival.  A classic camping trip involves toughing it out in tents or live in a caravan, camper-van or motor-home.

Generally, the participants escape out of their urban routine to spend quality time at the mercy of Mother Nature.

Adventure Camping

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Why has the adventure camp become a necessity?

Multinational companies have become no less than factories with unsatisfied employees going in and out. This has ultimately hammered the overall reputation and production of such an organization. Therefore modular training in form of adventure tour has come to a great rescue. Famous sites like Kolad adventure camp have a unique location, environment, and arrangement for the corporate training programme.

What is corporate adventure camping all about?

Corporal camping experience is the next level of learning for both at the level of individual member and entity. It involves soft unexpected activities and management games to develop various qualities such as conflict management, communication skills, leadership skills and teamwork in an organization. Such training programs though is a type of camping but it involves an all-round development and increases in work efficiency of an employee.

Few activities of Kolad adventure camps and their benefits

  • Burma Bridge:

As used in Myanmar, this structure has two parallel ropes – one above the other, tied from poles or trees at 25 feet. Two participants climb the structure from opposite ends using ladders and walk across the ropes to the center. They try to balance on one rope and hold the other one at their shoulder height for support.

Burma Bridge

Benefits – It inculcates an idea of teamwork mutual support.

  • Cycling:

Cycling while camping is not just an enjoyment but it helps an individual to get fitter and competitive.


Benefits – It increases immunity, stamina, concentration, and balance.

  • Raft Building:

It traditionally involves building a raft from various objects, usually poles, barrels, tubes, planks, and ropes.

Raft Building

Benefits – One can test their skills and innovation in a quest to build the ultimate craft that stays afloat anyway!

  • Rock Climbing:

Different types of rocks are chosen for rock-climbing; depending upon the fitness level of climbers and weather conditions. Sometimes natural or artificial walls are also used for practice purpose.

Rock Climbing

Benefits – It is a physical as well as a mental sport that tests strength, ability, work-life balance with mental stability.

  • Target Shooting:

Target shooting is the best way to get a zeal for achievement and victory.

Target Shooting

Benefits – It helps to check out concentration power.

  • Trekking:

Night or day trekking for individuals, who are curious about explorations, is a matter of great fun and excitement.


Benefits – These types of sports empower a guy to take risks, important decisions and work independently.

Corporate adventure camping – a duty of the organization

It should be noted that modular training is not the only task of a company. They should also take care of employee welfare and recreation. There must be outdoor exercises to solidify the skill set viz. a positive attitude, leadership skills, risk management, failure handling, teamwork etc.

With so many benefits at disposal, it is needless to say how beneficial it is for corporates to arrange adventure camping and activities for employees. Check out Globo Surf to learn more about camping.

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By Rob

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