What’s your current fitness goal? Do you want to achieve it with no complicated fitness training

6 Easy and Effective At Home Workouts to Achieve Your Fitness Goal

Here are the 6 easy and effective at-home workouts to achieve your fitness goal:

Bicycle Position (Lying Down)

The bicycle position is an easy workout routine you can do at home, and you can do it while lying down. You can even do it after waking up or before sleeping in your bed, so it’s very convenient to do. 

Put your hands on the back of your head, lift your feet in the air, and bend your knees. You will need to perform the movements as if you are riding the bicycle. Do this for one minute each session.

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Another easy workout routine you can workout at home is sit-ups. Sit-ups are useful to train your abdomen area and make it much stronger.

It might be difficult to do at first, but you can use a sit-up fitness tool to keep your feet in place while doing this workout.

It’s the basic type of workout, but it’s very effective. You just need to do 20-30 sit-ups per day. It will keep your body fit and healthy.

To do the sit-ups, put your hands on the back of your head and bend your knees in a lying-down position. Then, you can lift your head back and forth.


Squats are useful for you to give more strength to your lower body parts. Squatting is also simple and easy to do, so you don’t need to use any fancy movements just to get this done.

You just need to stand straight and move your body as if you are about to sit down until you bend your knees. Then, lift your body to stand straight again. 

You can perform the squatting movements around 20 times with 10 times per set. Have a brief break after each set, and you will keep your lower body fit and healthy if you do it daily.


Push-ups will train your hands to get stronger, and they will also help you get in shape fast. To perform push-ups, you just need to lie down on your chest with the palm of your hands on the floor. Then, you will need to lift your body with your hands in quick successions. 

Doing some push-ups might be difficult at first, but after some training, you can get it right. You just need to do at least 20 push-ups each day.

Dumbbell Lifts

You can lift the dumbbells while sitting or standing to train your upper body parts. It will help you train your arms and strengthen them if you do it daily.

Lifting the dumbbells can also help you build muscles around your arm and chest areas, so you can do it as a routine.

At first, you can lift smaller dumbbells, but you can add more weight to them as you get better at it.

Squat Jumps

Squat jumps are like squatting, but you will need to jump when you go back to the standing position.

You can do it to train your lower body further, and it’s good to do 20 squat jumps each day to keep your body fit and healthy.

Also Read: Top 5 Best Android Apps For Fitness Freaks


These are the easy and effective at-home workouts to achieve your fitness goal. You can get fit and healthy with these workout routines, and you can start today!

By Rob

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