Types of Cakes That You Can Make Without Oven


Cakes-Spongy, soft, delicious slices of heaven on a plate. They come in various sizes, shapes, and flavors, not to mention the choice of varieties. From the simple tea-time sponge to the elaborately decorated multitier masterpieces designed for weddings, they’re simply too good to resist.


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Apparently, cake-making is a process that ranges from easy to ‘not-possible-unless-you’re-Rachel-Allen’ skill levels. Anyone with an oven can bake a fairly good, edible cake. But, what if you don’t own an oven? Fret not! The master bakers have come up with what they prefer to call ‘No-Bake Cakes’.

Mostly, all of them fall in one of the following three categories: Cheesecakes, Ice-cream cakes or Pressure cooker cakes.


This is a pretty famous cake variant-the restaurant chain named after it, The Cheesecake Company, should be proof enough.

Cheesecakes are usually two-layered treats. The bottom layer is usually made up of crumbled pastry (like digestive biscuits that are available at grocery stores) and the top layer is usually dairy products, sweetened and flavored according to the variant. The preparation methodology is making the bottom layer first, chilling it in the refrigerator until it firms up, preparing the top layer and adding it to the top of the first layer and chilling it for considerably longer.

Ice-cream Cakes

Like it’s peer above, the Ice-cream cake is also has a chilling-based method of preparation. It has a minimum of two layers; the rest is totally up to the maker’s imagination. The bottom layer acts like a base that keeps the upper layers of ice-cream from melting and running away. It’s then topped with a layer of ice-cream. (Yes, you read it right-the cold, sweet goodness that comes in so many flavors.) and the outside is again lined with some kind of pastry to reduce the melting before the cake is served.

Pressure Cooker Cakes

This one is no different from baked cakes, except it isn’t baked in an oven. Most experts agree cooker cake recipes are the same as that of oven-baked cakes. The only difference lies in the fact that you’re going to make use of a pressure cooker to get that spongy treat. Most people just cook the cake like how we normally use a pressure cooker, except for using the ‘whistle’ or the pressure-release. Some suggest using sand or salt to line the bottom of the pressure pan in place of the water we usually use. Whatever variant you choose, all you have to do is make sure you follow the instructions correctly to avoid the pressure pan blowing up.

These are just the types of cakes you can make without an oven. Sites like pinterest.com have dedicated sections to cater to your every inspirational need. After all, it’s the Baker’s creativity that sets the cake apart, both flavor and appearance-wise.

Happy baking!

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