A Preppers Guide to Saving Your Retirement Investments


The most important thing you can do to prepare your mind and body for emergencies is improve the health of your financial accounts—checking, savings, investing, retirement, etc. Luckily, it is easy to learn more about investing, compound interest, 401k and other retirement plans, and plenty of other pertinent financial information simply by going online.

A Preppers Guide to Saving Your Retirement Investments

This guide will show how the everyday person can improve their money habits, ultimately building a great foundation that lasts throughout all the stages of your life. This includes unforeseen financial emergencies, as well as natural disasters.

Good money habits and a well-established foundation are good indicators of a person’s financial fitness. In other words, someone with a high degree of financial fitness is able to manage their money not only to meet their current needs but also their short- and long-term objectives as well.

Financial fitness is about more than just having enough supplies for bad weather or natural disasters. It’s also an opportunity to take control of your financial future by learning how to earn money in new ways.

Also, build emergency funds that will help with any unexpected expenses, whether costly repairs on something small like a car accident (which could cost hundreds). 

Brace yourself for the worst by being prepared. It is better to be safe than sorry.

The number one thing that causes people to pain in life is money. It’s not surprising why so many people are prepping for economic adversity.

They feel something is going wrong at both personal levels (like jobs) and on an international scale, with recent events shaping our prospects for decades to come.

More than a half-billion American families struggle to afford basic housing and food needs. In addition, 14% of children are poor.

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At the same time, another 20 % have trouble putting enough away for emergencies if something goes wrong financially, which it usually does! The number is rising. 25% experience significant financial hardships per year due primarily (though not solely) to them not making enough money.

Or they live somewhere expensive like NYC, where expenses can quickly add up fast even if you’re doing OK on your salary.

Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck and have very little money for emergencies or significant expenses. In addition, the average 35–65-year-old has $125,000 in debt, which means they would need an additional salary of over 2x their current amount to cover the interest on borrowing.

With $37,000 in student loan debt and an average credit card balance of 16k, Americans struggle to make ends meet. At 17% interest rates, it’s easy for the rich-get-richer mentality that our society had flourished since before we were born. People who graduated in 2016 have even higher amounts owed.

The averages are around 40 thousand dollars, so many people feel they can’t afford health care or essential medications without help from family members. Mortgages seem like such small potatoes after all this money goes toward tuition.

The need for retirement savings is becoming increasingly important as the oldest Americans start to retire. Overall, only 50% of people feel confident they have enough saved up from working hard in their lifetime.

That number shoots up just under 60% among millennials with college degrees or higher wages yet this doesn’t even consider inflation issues that will arise as this generation heads closer to retirement.

This data highlights how crucial it will be over time for younger generations (millennials) struggling financially. In addition, it shows statistics if students after leaving school compared against other groups such as Latino and African Americans. Both races have much lower median balances than whites do today.

The economy may seem like it’s doing well on the surface, but over 80% of gains go to the wealthiest 1%. Ordinary people haven’t seen any real economic improvement in decades, as this company states.

The future will be a lot less friendly for everyone, and the people at higher income levels are most likely already envisioning their lives without employment. The effects of automation combined with changing demographics will only accelerate this trend towards growing social stratification in our society.

Technology continues replacing humans everywhere from factory floors and executive offices where decision-makers make critical strategic decisions about company direction or product strategy.

Things have been getting steadily worse for a long time. Unfortunately, there’s no sign they’ll start improving anytime soon. A combination of machine learning and an economic shift backed by powerful tech companies has placed enormous power into fewer hands. It simultaneously reduces job prospects even further.

When you have money troubles, it impacts everything from your physical health to mental well-being and even how people behave around you.

The stress of living paycheck to paycheck or trying not to get crushed under a mountain of debt can wear on you over time. It seems there is no end in sight until you finally reach your breaking point.

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Unfortunately, it often happens much quicker than most realize. The positive side of all this? There’s still the option to invest in precious metals, saving you from inflation damage the US dollar will have on us all in the future. 


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