Video Review Made Simple with TechSmith – A Review

Video Review Made Simple with TechSmith – A Review

The eLearning tools are made for you to create some effective and simple text-based courses. On the other hand, TechSmith is mainly focused on allowing you to create the robust video courses and programs. TechSmith is the solid offering, compared to others in the market. TechSmith might not have all templates that you will find in the competing platforms, still, it is amazing for editing and creating a video.

Video Review Made Simple with TechSmith – A Review

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Features of TechSmith

Some of the features will include:

Theming: You can give your video the consistent look or feel by designing, saving as well as applying the themes with the custom color or font preferences. You can create the multiple sets of the themes for various kinds of the videos and projects, and saving you time as well as increasing the brand efficiency.

Library: Very easily organize media as well as assets by various video types or brands to speed the future video creation & ensure consistency. TechSmith brings this amazing feature to the Mac users for the first time, and it provides the upgraded library for the Window users, enhancing the organization and accessibility.

TechSmith Assets for free: You can jump-start the creative juices with the new royalty-free assets here. You can instantly add the professional elements into the video with the quick drag & drop from the library to your timeline. The new assets will include; intros, outros or lower thirds, and animated backgrounds, music tracks and icons.

TechSmith Assets with subscription: Feeling as if your videos can use a bit extra polish? Then here you are covered with the TechSmith Assets. You can find exactly what you want for your videos with the unlimited access to more than 600,000 free stock assets that includes; customizable intros and video backgrounds, photos, lower thirds, music, and lots more for negligible price of $199 for a year. Unlike with many other free asset sites, the TechSmith customers pay just once for the unlimited commercial use, in place of paying the premium for every individual asset that you want.

60fps Editing & Production: Give the smoother viewing know-how for your audience by getting TechSmith improved rate editing abilities, and allowing you to edit as well as produce the videos at 60frames every second.

User-Friendly Video

Suppose you have never used TechSmith before, then the video is something that you will definitely like to watch. This showcases how these new features will improve your experience, whereas showing you how this product works.

Best Functionalities

TechSmith is the best tool for creating the software demos as well as content that is shared through the webcam. For instance, suppose you are creating the course to teach somebody on how to utilize Netflix, then you may easily jump back from recording the cursor movements on Netflix user interface to the video taken by your webcam where you are speaking straight to your learner. Not like other tools that we reviewed—that force you in recording the video or screenshots in the third-party tools—this is done straight within the TechSmith video option.

Screen Recording Made Easy

This tool allows you to select if you would like to record your full screen or only the zoomed-in area. It is very helpful for the small demonstrations, which take place in the specific corners of this screen. Instead of zooming in when editing the larger canvas or creating the pixelated product, the TechSmith can zero in at where you want the video to be captured to deliver the crisp recording. Also, you can add the cursor highlight effects for showing how or where your mouse is moving and, you can also remove your cursor by adjusting the opacity.

For highly instructional emphasis, one can use this tool to animate and pan over, move things over and zoom into after you have recorded your video to help to demonstrate some important points during the lesson. For instance, if you have recorded your child playing with the ball, you can then zoom in on your child’s face and see their smile and capture, without altering any other aspects of your video. The animated callouts allow you to draw the squares and arrows over the specific aspects of the video to highlight the distinct elements. You also can pause just one side of your screen while other side plays.

Unfortunately, TechSmith can just handle video files of over 1080P and 30 frames second so, if the coursework needs any higher-definition video and intense or rapid graphics, then probably you will have to buy heavier-duty editing software. But, among other eLearning authoring tools, there is not any better solution to capture, build, or edit quizzes through the video than the TechSmith video learning tool.


  • Simple to set up
  • Affordably priced


  • Lacks on embedding or course creation features

Final Verdict

All the eLearning authoring tools aren’t made equal. Some are made for the heavy duty and HTML5 based content, and some are made for templated course design, and some focus on the specific media format. But TechSmith falls in a latter camp. It is not the eLearning authoring tool, which does video very well, but, it is the video tool that is very versatile to serve as the company’s eLearning tool.

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By Rob

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