How To Motivate Yourself To Hard Work


Have you ever thought that you can’t get this grade?

Have you ever thought that you can’t win this one?

Have you ever thought that you can’t make this work?

Have you ever thought that you can’t learn this one?


I know that everyone of us had passed these stages at some point in our life. So in order to motivate ourself to hard work, just read the following:

When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world.

I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation.

When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to focus on my town.

I couldn’t change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family.

Now,as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself.

And suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family.

My family and I could have made an impact on our town.

Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world


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By Rob

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