Why Jobs In Ibri Are Good?


Ibri is a small but popular city for foreign workers in Al-Dahirah province in northwestern Oman. Historically, this town was famous for growing a lot of fruits – that’s why there are lots of plantations, and it means that there is a lot of work in this town that involves fruit processing and cultivation.

Although a typical desert climate prevails, the city’s population has exceeded 100,000 and continues to grow. The reason for this is the location in an oasis surrounded by mountains that soften the harsh dry winds. Winter is quite moderate temperatures.

Jobs In Ibri

The main attractions of Ibri are fortresses, so many tourists come to this city to see remnants of ancient civilizations.

About Jobs in Ibri

Tourism and hotel and restaurant business are well developed in this city, as in other Omani cities, as it is one of the most interesting cities in this country.

But employment in Ibri can be offered not only by hotels, restaurants, and cafes but also by different educational establishments in the city, where teachers with different specializations are needed.

Also, hospitals that are located in this town are looking for qualified workers with education, so here you can find a good job related to medicine Jobs in Ibri most often does not require special knowledge and skills, moreover, people with the right education and qualifications are quite large among our compatriots.

Given that the employer gives holidays and vacations while working in Ibri it is possible not only to earn money, but also you can learn about Arab culture and its historical heritage.

Similarly, while Ibri is not the largest city in Oman, the average wage in that town for migrants is much higher than that of workers in the CIS and Europe.

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What is needed for work in Ibri?

As in other Omani cities, a wide variety of specialists are needed to work in Ibri. For example, here are the most popular job offers in Ibri: teacher, nurse,

accountant, salesman, security guard, architect, driver, handyman, laboratory technician, plumber, barista, manager. A variety of specialists in international companies is also required.

But in order to work in Ibri, you need to have a qualification, education as well as experience in the field where they will work in this city. For all who work in Ibri, there are offered very favorable conditions.

For example, the salary here is very good – the lowest salary in the lowest-paid job is $800, which is a very good result, and if you are a specialist in a certain field, with education and work experience, your salary will be over $1,000.

Most employers offer very advantageous working conditions – high salary and various bonuses, paid leave, health insurance, place of residence for the period of work, receiving further training.

Of course, it all depends on the specific offers and the terms of the contract, but even without it, the job in Ibri is very profitable.

There are always new job openings, thanks to which foreign employees are always welcome.

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Attractive options are available for everyone. Ibri got a wide variety of jobs for all tastes and colors, which will allow you to find a job suitable for you without much effort.


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